Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Who Am I?

I know, I blog title is verbose. But it perfectly states who I am--and I too, am verbose.  Exactly how does "Daily and Deliberately with Delight" state who I am?  Thank you for asking! :-)

Daily:  I am a God-follower.  I am not only a born again believer in Jesus Christ, though that certainly was the beginning of my journey.  That was just step one.  For years I stayed as a born again believer, and that was great.  It was just enough to get me to Heaven and be able to spend an eternity with Him.  A much more pleasant place than the alternative.  But that was not my motivation in becoming a child of God.  Not to escape hell. And not to earn a spot in heaven, though that is a lovely side benefit.  No, my motivation in following God is I am in awe of WHO HE IS.  I'm crazy about Him. Head over heels in love with my Savior! I realized one day that my walk with God didn't match up with my talk about God and that was not a pretty thing to face.  So I started on a journey of finding out what it means to follow Him daily.  In my opinion, that means my Monday-Saturdays should look remarkably similar to my Sundays. It means I make time each day with Him and look for opportunities to serve Him. And that gets me to...

Deliberately:  Loving God, serving Him, walking with Him on a daily basis does not happen naturally for me.  So I have found myself over the years enamored with words like "deliberate" and "intentional", because I long to live every aspect of my life in this way, and especially my spiritual journey.  I want to be deliberate in the time I spend with my kids, with my husband, with my friends. I want to be deliberate in the way I home school, in the activities I choose to participate in, in the way I serve others.  I want to be intentional about my schedules, my grocery shopping, my homemaking.  You get the picture.  I don't want to wake up near the end of my life, or even at the end of a week, and realize life "happened" to me and I let it slip by without deliberation on how I lived it.  I want to live every moment that I possibly can deliberately for God.  When I accepted Christ as my Savior, He left me on this earth for a reason-to glorify Him with my life.  The BSU I attended at Mississippi State said it the most succinctly I've ever heard: "To know Him and make Him known".

With delight: How does that fit in? I. love. to. laugh.  I laugh alot.  God has blessed me with four kids that laugh alot, and that I can laugh AT alot. ;-)  I think I have a God-given ability to find humor in things that might seem mundane to another observer.  So...if you were to observe me in my home, I might be chuckling about something I heard my kids say, something I (or they) did that was goofy, or just some way that I have inwardly tickled my own funny bone.  It's kind of hard to explain, but I don't think I could describe myself without somehow including laughter.

Before I go on, I hope I haven't given the impression that I'm doing all of this well.  If that's what you thought I was saying, forgive me for misrepresenting myself.  I am a woman on a journey to BECOME more Christ-like, but the road is narrow and actually pretty bumpy and often times I find myself on some crazy detour that I never meant to take.  That's where grace comes in--God forgives me, I forgive myself, and I start fresh day after day.  Some days I get it much better than others. Some days I want to throw the covers back over my head and yell "DO OVER" before 9 a.m.  Most of the time, I'm somewhere in-between.

Okay, so I've put off creating a blog for years because what in the world do I have to say that someone else hasn't already said? I mean, there is nothing new under the sun, right? After years of debating with myself over this same question, I've come to the conclusion that I LONG to write, I have a NEED to write,  and I'm tired of trying to make my Facebook status updates into a blog.  I'm not trying to pretend like I have all the answers, but I do have lots of questions.  Authenticity is incredibly important to me--if you read my blog you will read about the good, the bad, and the ugly.  My hope and prayer is that what you will find on here is a woman who is on a journey toward the God I absolutely adore and seek desperately to serve.  I am also pretty regular about falling short and seeking and receiving His forgiveness.  And then, with God's mercy that is fresh every morning (Lam. 3:22-23), starting over again with a clean slate.

D,D, &D,


  1. I look forward to reading your thoughts... You always inspire and challenge me on FB. I am sure this will be no different!

    1. You always have encouraging words for me sweet friend!

  2. I know we've never met in person but God allowed us to "meet" through adoption. I have enjoyed reading your fb posts. You make me laugh and that is something I need to do more. I appreciate your heart for Jesus and your willingness to share it. I look forward to following your blog.
    Laura Losch

    1. Laura, that reminds me of my daughter's response (17) to this entry..."That's great Mom. Now go write something funny!" haha

  3. Wonderful, so glad you are doing this. You are a gifted writer. Love u

    1. I love you too Robin and can't wait to start seeing your face again! :-)
