One of my favorite teachers has made a wise and powerful suggestion on her blog and I thought I would pass it on here for you to consider doing with me. On the eve of our nation electing a new President, write out a prayer for him. If you do it now, it won't be biased with your opinions or clouded by your thoughts of how the election went, but will be more pure in motive. Can't think of what to pray? Imagine if it were your husband or father being elected--what would you want people to be praying for him? Then, over the coming weeks, months, and years, you will have something to pray for this man, regardless of whether he was your candidate of choice or not. Can you imagine what a difference it would make if people spent as much time praying for their President as they did complaining about him? Or, heaven help us, forwarding emails about how wretched he is?
I go to sleep at peace tonight, knowing that no matter what happens tomorrow, my God is sovereign. He is trustworthy. Write out your prayers tonight--it's your opportunity. Go and vote tomorrow--it's your responsibility and privilege. Then, take some deep breaths and begin a journey of prayer for a new term of President for this great nation we are blessed to be a part of.
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